Thursday, May 1, 2008

What an Irony, the Black Vote Could Hand the Republicans a Presidential Win!

From the point of view of a real Republican, few Republican candidates could have been weaker than Senator McCain. But Senator McCain appears to be growing stronger, and not because he is improving himself or his message, but because the prospects for a Democratic win are growing dim.

Over ninety percent of the black vote in Pennsylvania went to Senator Obama, and that will crown him as the "black" candidate. Such a crowning will be perceived by many voters as an Obama presidency that will be informed by Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both of whom are vote losers for any candidate. If Senator Obama gets the nomination, he will likely lose, even though it might be unfairly so.

Senator Clinton has been making the point above, but has left the racial component to the imagination of voters, or to her husband, who has been more direct on the point. Recall when Mr. Obama won the South Carolina primary, Mr. Clinton remarked that even Mr. Jackson won South Carolina.

The current math all but rules out a fair and democratic nomination win for Senator Clinton. But she has been making the point, and more forceful, since her Pennsylvania win, that only she can beat Senator McCain. If the super delegates share that view, and thus nominate Mrs. Clinton, it is likely that virtually all the Blacks who voted for Mr. Obama will see such a move as a grave injustice and may either sit out the general election or vote Republican. Surely, the Republican Party would love to have Blacks return to their historical home.

All may not be lost though, for the Democrats or Senator Obama. If Blacks in the upcoming primaries in Indiana and South Carolina do not vote as monolithic block for Senator Obama, perhaps Mr. Obama will able to neuter the "black" candidate label.

The black vote could defeat Democrats Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton and lead to victory for the Republican, Mr. McCain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote this, is showing the intelligence of a monkey! Come on and let's get real. Do you really believe this? If so, then you my friend are a part of the problem and not the solution of what's going on in America today. You my friend, are perpetuating an age old racial prejudice that continues to keep the country divided. It's people like you, that think it's okay for 90% of blacks to vote for a white candidate and not a black candidate. Well, guess what? I wholeheartedly, unequivocally, reject your prediction, and will go so far to stay, that Obama will win the presidency in spite of backward thinking people like you!