Saturday, December 22, 2007

Democratic Party, Show Your Solidarity With Blacks And Support Senator Obama

For a long time the Democratic Party has been peddling itself as the Party that best represents the interest of Blacks. Blacks, the vast majority of them, through their voting patterns, believe that their salvation truly lies with the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party pushes affirmative action. The Democratic Party pushes to change criminal laws to benefit Black defendants. The Democratic Party rails against racial profiling. The Democratic Party sides with Blacks when there are disagreements between Blacks and the police. The Democratic Party is simply in love with Black people.

The love affair between the Democratic Party and Blacks is so passionate, that former President Bill Clinton is dubbed the nation’s first black President! The notion of the first black president is where the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party is clearly on display.

Senator Obama could well be the Democratic nominee for President, but standing in his way are Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton, Democratic Senator Joe Biden, Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd, former Democratic Senator John Edwards, Democratic Governor Bill Richardson and Democratic US Representative Dennis Kucinich.

The Democratic Party still believes or pretends to believe that Blacks are still not free from the bondage that was slavery, and that in areas where Blacks are still under represented, racism is responsible. We cannot change what is in minds of people, but if the Democratic Party feels such solidarity with Blacks, then all those running for the Democratic nomination should step aside and support Senator Barack Obama! In one bold move, the Democratic Party could carry out the greatest affirmative action coup of all times.


Dan said...
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Dan said...

As a Democrat, I have to fully agree with this notion.
It's plain and simple: down with Hillary, up with Barack! Hillary actually wants government control on violent video games, if she's our president, our first amendment rights would be in peril!